Capitalism is crashing under his own immensly overrated stupid greed…so, what!….Humanity will survive it! Friday, Aug 19 2011 

I am almost amused seeing exactly those kind of gamblers who create a destructred chaos they, acting out the ‘responsible wise’ of an economy, have elevated to the only
doctrine worth attention. The fashion obedient tie does not make the mature adult. These ridiculous hazardous spirits pretending to care about the safety of countries and the politicians echoing them, makes me think that first, these people are completly missing self irony, and second, that their stiff minds are by far not the full human potential, but only a very narrow option.

The stubborn insistence to pretend saving from disaster by repeating the same absurd non solutions, is more and more looking like as if all those still believing in saving this sinking ship are on a very strange delusional substance.
Could it be they confuse plus value with life energy?
What miserable boring loveless lives, these poor people must have.
Their middle class followers wake up slowly from their dreams of eternal bounty participation and realise it was a pernicious nightmare, but some are still addicted to the mantra, and are willing to follow the worse wannabe leaders who promise to preserve their privileges.
They like to confuse privileges with gratification of their supposed work ethical superiority, when in reality its their own system grooming laziness to include all dimensions which has created the mess for decades. Without a thoughtless middle class, no evil system can function, they are making the evil possible through their unwillingness to oppose themselves to it in an early stage. The middle class are the ones who support dehumanising destruction even if they rant about limited or even surface details. Their main addiction is still to preserve some illusory safeties even under the worse conditions, thinking they deserve it for being seen to behave well.
Those go betweens, who expected to earn more crumbles from the cake, will have to realise their disastrous function in class division.  It is they who have acted the pompous patronising servants to the rich at the expense of the poor. Well obviously that didn’t help! Expecting to preserve their own privileges or a pension, by making other peoples lives more fragile, is not going to work!
Everybody is poor in a dehumanised system and the so-called wealthy even more as they still don’t notice what they are missing in themselves.
As everthing is connected with everything, unbalance affects all.

If we don’t want to suffocate under this inefficiency to cooperate with reality we need to reinvent how we live our lives to preserve life on this planet .

I repeat myself, as I warn since so long….but maybe now it now becomes more evident to many, even if I am sure that some nouveaux riches delusions can be very stubborn.

After having reduced all aspects of life to a resource serving the economical profit of few,
It is necessary to rediscover our true surviving optimum, which was, is and will always be: compassion and solidarity.

I have the impression as this era is ending, a far better life is possible.

About different tribes destroying urban structures, these days in London and elsewhere! Sunday, Aug 14 2011 

In memory of George Orwell, and all the other who warned out of real concern this little island in the hands of mercantile parvenus who dislike intellectuals and prefer to associate power and wealth with divisive moral suffisance, unable to any inclusive philosophical analyse.

Having worked with young people in so called difficult eras, and with politicians, I doubt that I would suspect more aggressive potential in the first and more ethical integrity in the second.

What level of cultivation can be expect of a society who is still lost in some Cromwellian era role model where a self-righteous bigot patronising curtain pulling hysteria has “progressed” to finger pointing on demand of authority’s at the evil neighbourhood on big screens in the middle of the city?

This screens don’t only show some rioters, they show how some wants to manipulate citizen into a voyeuristic holier-than-thou concept of society willing to accept thoughtless the worse responses unable to integrate conflicts in the own perspective as signs to recognise instead as disturbances to repress.

What an extraordinary psychological finesse of structures who reminds in recent memory for the subtle approach with data’s and information politic.

Now let see on whom these vision points!
On those who start wars on lies and neglect 1 million of citizen in the streets or and those who perpetuate these wars or on those who are acting out the local macho territory games?
Are plotting elites trying to remain in power, and gangs trying to obtain power so different in their driven fear of testosterone withdrawal?
Is it not to convenient to deviate from the stock market devastating greed towards those who repeat those deregulated values on their hopeless level?
How destructive on social coherence is property speculation and the cuts on essential social structures to preserve the privileges of the few willing to devastate democracies?
How dangerous are those instrumenting clichés to preserve their positions?
Which delusional tribe is too willing to pretends society is made out of satisfied entrepreneurs and its everybody s own determinism who makes the difference?
Who are all those upset bystanders who claim that the middle class mantra of : “please upwards, finger point downwards, look away from reality!” is truly working for them?
Who demand soldiers to fight against children in the streets?
What legitimate the humiliations done to citizen to comfort those who gamble society downwards and get bonuses for their cynicism?
Who expect their safe pensions from deregulated fond’s increasing through violent global exploitation?
Who are those who obtain their positions without real skills and great values through nepotism in an extremely class divided society and blame without shame those who suffer from this injustice?
Who are those obsessed with cleanness as surface value image when the collective social reality is obvious to each willing to see?
Which helplessness makes parents feel in need to pretend prison will teach their children values? Who tries to drive a wedge between so called good and  bad parents, the valuable and unworthy citizen, as if society was not our all common ground in need of mutual solidarity and compassion in difficult times and shared joy in good ones?
Which extremely limited ability to extrapolate situations in assuming that taking away the minimum of some and kicking family’s out of homes will increase safety?
Could it be that some who get put into the scapegoat role of acting out with their body rage the repressed anger of those far too silent quiet voices accepting all abuses done to society as long it comes from above?
Do some assume their failures when they only reacts when car burns and windows are broken ? And do they if they only provide more of the same failing responses and vacuous speeches? What responsibility have media repeating them and the same distracting entertainment news without deeper journalistic considerations? Are people in prison less costly to the tax payers than a decent social infrastructure?
Who has truly a profit agitating the puppets in the foreground and the mob with revenge propaganda leading to more fear and mutual control ?
Which regimes promise concepts of safety to the masses if they only behave mannered system conform and not controversial opponent?
What rigid mindset is required to believe them and to participate with multiple daily little acts of repressions of the evident truth?
Here we go, you got the idea!

Don t expect to escape the urban violent madness in the countryside.
Hedges, trees, landscapes, environment get s destroyed with great engines to provide resources to fuel  speculation worldwide without much regard for the well being of local communities . Any camera seeing them ?

Some pretend to care about the condition of a victim to steal from him which disrupts his sense of confidence in other humans.
Some take away the kind of goods which get permanently tangled in front of their minds as unreachable necessary satisfactions and fail to pay for their rudely obtained petty toys.
Over achieving the cynical goals promoted by those dividing the world into winners and losers.

I bet some blame climate change on the breakfast habits of the youngsters!

Those unwilling to understand the interaction of all aspects on each other and their own impacts in it, get the society they deserve. All are a part of society, not only those repeating the sound good noises they are suppose to make to beg for membership.
Democratic society’s are not private elitist clubs even if some expect us to believe it.

Instead of repeating the worse models of history experiences,
lets oppose us to them as long we still can speak up against them.

What will happen next….up to each of us!

About famine, speculation, charity, cynism and humanity. Wednesday, Jul 27 2011 

Anything to say,

maybe about the connection between speculation and climate change?

maybe about the connection between speculation and perpetuation of wars?

maybe about the connection between speculation on resources and starvation?

maybe about the role of charity organisations in a system of greed?

maybe about media , sensationalism and information quality of news?

maybe about the possible profit expected through “improving” zones  who have been destroyed before?


Thought so!

This world needs social justice, not tax deductible charity!

Why I am not suprised, that some are surprised about right-wing terror. Monday, Jul 25 2011 

My first intuition, as I heard from this horrible violence inflicted on the Norwegian society was : … a right-winger!. I did not exclude rationaly other options, especially as the insitence to point at islamists was obviously the first reaction of other, but later I was, like often, confirmed to have been right.

My thoughts go first, before I follow my analyse, to the victims, their families and friends who have to face their hurt . I remember holding the hand of someone who had expirienced such a violent intrusion in his life, and was reacting with fear, each time he heard a firework or other sound reminding him his traumatic expirience. I understand how hard it must be for them now, and probably for a long time. May they at least know, that many are feeling with them, and wish that they might find back to a trust into life, this person without empathy has tried to destroy.

The media goes on repeating flat statements about the scandinavian social peacefull coherence, neglecting the increasing destructuration of this concept through a disdainfull nouveaux riches egotism, the confusion assuming that more bureaucracy creates egalitarism, that social control neglecting individuality and social solidarity are the same, and the contradiction of love for nature and resource exploitation for a privileged way of life. Even the classical parties or the media are more and more inclined to use reactionary concepts imposing more rigourosity to hide the disatrous effects of a deregulated market . What is left, is often only the old shine of social concern, which mostly is a puritan vision of a non controvertial/confronterial community.This tendency can be observed in many countries.

The great blindness towards the potential of violence of the extreme right wing is not innocent, it is systematic for those in society who consider it as ethically acceptable to repeat the propaganda phrases of those groups for their own political or social careerism and those who join dehumanised visions dividing humans, out of their own pride issues.

How much is it a cliche to consider psychopathic violence as an unforseeable outburst?
How many look-away situations are included in this concept of destinity?

As long acting cool and careless, dividing society into winner and losers is
too often still considered as virile determinism serving a greed who legitimates herself as worthiness deserving privileges, even if it leads to destruction of democracys, neglect of human needs, social structures and environment for a bit of individual prestige build on vanity….as long this pretend normality is not seen as doing the evil it does, …it will remain difficult to recognise those who overfulfil this attitude sociopathically .

Let s have the courage, to oppose real emotions to violent behaviour.
Cynicism expects to be seen as witty, but our hearts knows that empathy, compassion and solidarity is our real intelligence.

Ces jours-ci , ces gens la, au Yemen, en Syrie et ailleur, et partout. Friday, Jul 22 2011 

Si fiere je fus de te connaitre,
moi, qui te pensais dans un monde,
ou l ancestral m aurait prive de ta voix.
La surprise m eduqua a voir l aurore pointer a ton horizon.

Le miroir de nacre,
le savon a l huile des oliviers ,
me rapelle ta presence lointaine,
les herbes des collines,
ne connaissant pas les frontieres,
ouvertes aujourd hui aux refugies,
fuyants un regime vil.
Parmis les mots francais qui restent sous ton soleil antique,
celui de liberte a pris de l ampleur?

Mes amis,
je suis restee muette,
en pensant a vous,
le coeur emplit de tristesse face au violence inutiles,
et d espoirs radieux inspires de vos beaux courages desesperes

Revolution… coming to your town too in soon ! Wednesday, May 25 2011 

After some discovered that citizen in distant country’s might demand real democracy’s,
After some discovered that many people around the world wants real changes,

They might discover that even the old empires have many inhabitants who have enough of the hypocrite “profit for few, absurdity for all” game,
and go on the street, on the places, in the parks inventing together another more human society.

Is a certain illusion of safety worth the neglect of essential human rights? Monday, May 9 2011 

Considering that the surveillance society who has been legitimated through the “war against terrorism” has succeed to put each citizen under suspicion, allowing the control of our privacy for this higher goal, I ask myself what has created the most damage on our democracy’s ?

The old adage seems still pertinent making us ask who profits from a certain atmosphere of fear.

About the return of the bourgeoise idea of educating servants Saturday, May 7 2011 

A certain charitable middle class has invented an almost real job solution for the poor, they insist to repeat like one stupid catchphrase more, of the same social worth as many of these brainwashing mantras spread from the media who pretends to solve solution by neglecting the own participation in a disastrous situation and ignoring the most aspects of a supposed problem who remains mostly an avoiding  side issue ignoring the society evidence in the middle of the room.

Their newest brilliant idea, is to …again…re-educate unemployed citizen, by providing them with work for the benefit of society. Means, Gardening for city’s, caring for older, being employed by enterprises who get subventions.

Instead of changing society through real participative democracy and citizen money for all without conditions, what would truly allow real caring and creativity to unfold trusting the human potential truly, the old punitive patronising reflex points up his abusive finger pointing pride, pretending that it will bring back work who has been since long delocalised by a profit driven speculation.

Work deserves an honest salary and not welfare sponsoring of favours done to another group of society expecting privileges and in need of an underpaid class of workers forces to please such a system to obtain the essential for a living.

Instead of repeating these new social insanity’s dividing our democracy, flattering the self worth of a failing middle class with an extreme rigidity towards real changes and still attracted by a disastrous role model of some even more thoughtless abusive wealthy, it is truly time to think about new cooperative inclusive forms of caring for our future.

Our social reality can not be cured by humiliating concepts, but by real engagement . Painting little flowers over capitalist exploitation is simply participation to the evil through superficial absurdity.

The whole system needs to be rethink by all for all.

Journalism or lazy propaganda colportage? Tuesday, May 3 2011 

In the past a journalist knew that he had to double check information before communicating it in his media to the public. This days of the too fast news, where sensationalism often replaces reflection, I allow myself a few subjective thoughts about affirmations I hear, which make me think more of brainwashed collective  hysteria than information about  facts.

In the moment it gets evident that some myth about the Arab world is falling apart through the engagement of citizen for democracy in those countries, and that innocent people might have been retained over years  for absurd reasons on a ground they could not obtain a fair trial , suddenly the main figure legitimating the increased control of all citizen worldwide and decline of democratic rights for ‘safety’ reasons, has been killed.

From whom do we know this? From the same bureaucracy who affirmed her importance after the cold war through the war against terrorism? From a system who affirmed the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ?

Politicians watch a battle . Do I truly hear : ” Operation Geronimo” ?. I can not believe such a missing of cultural subtlety.

I hear, a person has been killed and is supposed to be the terrorist Osama bin Laden and as his body is now in the sea , we are supposed to believe those institution’s, we have learned to ‘trust’ over the years for their efficient way of handling the truth.

Adding to that a speech, I could not listen up the end, as it sounded to me like populist sugar for the tea of a certain party, …I can not say if a word was said about the local victims of the wars, and I doubt that the inclusive ‘we’ , was  welcomed by those who fight against a politic and economy serving the oil and armament profits.

I see agitated people on the street confusing hateful projection with foreign politic who remind me other dogmatic ones.

Some  never understood that European who had many city’s destroyed  are less inclined to use war in conflict situation . Many of us, in Europe have difficulties to understand a certain vision based on an illusion of the own potential to dominate to the world.

We get told that our safety is again in danger,….again!. Means more restrictions and an ambiance of fear serving probably not only our security.

I have the feeling, that the options for decent  information is  in danger too.

Allons nous voir de la publicite pro nucleaire aujourd hui? Tuesday, Apr 26 2011 

La publicite animee pour le nucleaire…me rassure tellement.
Non, le monde n est pas cynique, mais beau et gai et sans danger.

Certains espere la memoire courte d une nouvelle generation, les memes qui assurent que les humains sauront gerer les dechets radioactifs pendant des milliers de generations.

Ils sont supposes aider a resoudre un probleme au japon.

Ils savent si bien faire, ces gens serieux. J entend des informations, il me semble que l on parle de calme ,…. des problemes surmontables . Rien, en fait a s allarmer ! Je regarde attendrie les petits nuages blancs a l horizon, ah…ma patrie aux belles centrales nucleaires pres des fleuves et des chateaux.

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